The sunglasses' sizing measurements can be found on each models product page under the "sizing" tab. Below are details of what each of these measurements stand for as well as a diagram illustrating these measurements.
Weight - this refers to the general weight of the sunglasses.
Eye Size - also known as the A measurement, this refers to the width of the lenses in millimeters as shown in the diagram.
DBL - stands for Distance Between Lenses and is the measurement of the nose bridge area between the lenses in millimeters as illustrated in the diagram. (note: shield style sunglasses will not include this measurement)
Temple - this measurement refers to the length of the temple arms in millimeters as shown in the diagram.
Dimensions - displayed as an A and B measurement these refer to the width and height of the lenses in millimeters as shown in the diagram. (A = width | B = height)
Base Curve - this refers to the degree of curvature of the lenses, the higher the base curve value the more rounded the lenses will be and the lower the base curve value the more flat the lenses will be. (4 = nearly flat | 8 = very curved)