Rudy Project sponsored athletes and Ambassador's are provided a unique Ambassador code during the onboard process and you'll use that code to register your account on our website to unlock your special discounted prices. Once registered, you simply need to visit our website and login to your account to start shopping.
Already Registered?
Just visit our site and login to begin shopping at your exclusive prices. (no need to register again)
Haven't Registered Yet?
Have your unique Ambassador code handy and complete our Ambassador Registration Form to get account created.
Still Having Trouble?
If this registration page states you already have an account however you are not able to login, try these options:
- First, use the Forgot Password feature on the login page to reset your password. If this process states your email address is not found, then
- Use the Customer Registration page to reactivate your account using the same email address you used to register your Ambassador account originally.
If you are still having problems, contact Mike Buenting for additional assistance.